Here's the schedule for events on 2/25:
Book List 1
Teams arrive 8:25am
Round 1 begins 8:45am
Awards to start around 10:30am (teams will stay in their rooms for the awards)
Book List 2
Teams arrive 12:25pm
Round 1 begins 12:45pm
Awards to start around 2:30pm (teams will stay in their rooms for the awards)
Teams should plan to gather outside and enter Door 1 (facing 59th street) to check in with their full team and two chaperones.
Although O'Neill has a couple of parking lots, it is not unlimited and carpooling is recommended.
Classroom behavior
Students and chaperones may each bring a water bottle, but are asked not to bring any other food or drink with them. We are very thankful to O'Neill for allowing us to use their classrooms for this event, and we want to be very respectful of each classroom that we are in. Please make sure your teams know that we are not to touch anything around the classrooms and want to leave everything as we find it.
Team captains may also bring a printed list of the books and which team members have read that book.
Students may not use electronic devices during the competition rounds. Chaperones may choose to collect and keep devices for safekeeping.
Each team should have TWO parent chaperones that will stay with the team throughout the event, and a THIRD separate parent volunteer to help run the event, not with the team.
Parent volunteers should have just received an email from Reading Games to select their role for the event.
At the event, there will be a contest for full Team Costumes as well as a separate contest for Team Shirts. At check in, each team will have a chance to show off their costumes or T-shirts and take a team picture in front of the Reading Games backdrop. A winner will be awarded for each category, for each Book List (morning and afternoon).
New for 2023!
All three rounds of Reading Games will be in the same format (there will not be a round with book titles as the answer, as there has been in the past).
Team contests are back! Look for more information about contests for team costumes and team T-shirts to come, and keep this in mind when brainstorming team names.